Horse Vitamins & Supplements News Canada

How To Help Your Horse Achieve Better Digestion

Better Digestion For Your Horse

Better digestion for your horse matters – big time! Your horse’s digestion contributes directly to the entirety of your horse’s wellbeing. Protecting his or her gut flora plays an important role in helping to keep your horse healthy and active.

Overall, your horse needs a balanced population of microbes in their stomach in order to both digest and absorb nutrients. Because, without it, it could develop chronic diarrhea, lose weight and become lethargic and prone to illness.

So how can you prevent that? A few ways to help your horse achieve better digestion includes:

  • Allow them out to pasture as often as possible. That gives them exercise, as well as the vital nutrients grazing on grass provides. Which is exactly what their digestive tracts were designed for.
  • Give them quality hay. It better ensures the prevention of digestive issues and veterinary calls, paying off dearly despite increased product costs.
  • Keep them full. Which circles back to allowing them out to pasture. Gastric ulcers can begin to form through the more modern method of feeding horses only twice a day.
  • Make grain more of a treat vs. a meal.  Grain can cause them to bloat.
  • Allow for unlimited amounts of fresh water.
  • Give them plenty of exercise to keep things moving internally.

Quality Equine Digestion Supplements in Canada

In addition to the above tips, Basic Equine Nutrition also offers Equine Digestive Supplements to support and maintain a normal and relaxed gut function. They include:

Gastro Max (with Marshmallow Root + Chamomile Flowers)  – supporting and maintaining a normal relaxed function of the gut. It is one of the best all-around herbs for the digestive system. It will soothe mucous membranes in the digestive tract, reducing excess acidity and associated pain.

Marshmallow Root – ideal for the treatment of inflammation and ulceration of the digestive system, as well as stomach and intestinal disorders.

Chamomile Flowers – a product widely used for its calming and relaxing properties. And, also as a remedy for digestive disorders, giving your horse the opportunity to heal itself.

Pre Biotic Plus – promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria.

Yea-Sacc – stimulates good bacteria in horse’s hind gut. Buffers gut acidity to prevent digestive upset and to restore normal gut function. Helps to reduce risk of digestive colic and digestive disturbances linked with training, traveling, performing, de-worming, antibiotic treatment and surgery. Maximizes nutrient digestibility. Stimulates milk production in lactating mares.

Psyllium Husks Pure – helps to minimize the threat of sand colic for horses living and feeding in sandy environments, or those previously susceptible to sand colic.

These are just some of the many Equine Digestive Supplements we offer at Basic Equine Nutrition. We would be more than happy to answer any questions you might have, regarding your horse’s digestion, and how we can help manage it alongside you!

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