Horse Vitamins & Supplements News Canada

Understanding the Difference Between Joint Supplements for Your Horse

There are various types of joint supplements available for horses, each with their own unique benefits.

Some popular options include glucosamine and chondroitin, which can help to support and strengthen cartilage in the joints. MSM is another highly-regarded ingredient that can help to reduce inflammation and improve joint mobility. While hyaluronic acid is yet another ingredient that is used to support joint health, helping to lubricate the joints and improve flexibility.

It can be difficult to decide which joint supplement to choose for your horse, and what combination of ingredients may work best. Which is why Basic Equine Nutrition would like to break down our specific joint supplements for you!

Understanding the Difference Between Joint Supplements for Your Horse

If you are seeking to help promote healthy joint function for your horse, we have a variety of supplements that can help. They each differ slightly from the other, as listed below…

Our Biomax H.A. Contains…

• MSM, GLS, Chondroitin Sulphate, Hyaluronic Acid & Boswellia Extract for improved blood circulation
• Anti-oxidants Vitamin C & Natural Vitamin E
• Top end highest grade and highest concentrations of active ingredients
• Great for high performance horses
• NO added sugar or flavours

Learn more here

Our Regenerex Plus Is…

• Great overall care for horses, especially senior horses
• Very affordable
• Preventative care
• Filled with Hyaluronic Acid as well as Boswellia Extract for improved blood circulation
• Designed with NO added sugar or flavors

Learn more here

Our Recoverex Plus Delivers…

• Powerful anti-inflammatory properties and is an alternative to Bute or Prevocox
• Safe ingredients to use during competition
• A daily dose that is safe to use on a regular cases
• NO added sugar or flavors

Learn more here

Still unsure on which direction to go with joint supplements for your horse? Give us a call or consult with a veterinarian. This will help to ensure the supplement you choose is the right fit for your horse’s individual needs, optimizing their health and minimizing risk or added cost.

We are committed to provide the equine industry with pure, pharmaceutical grade nutrients and top quality supplements, and look forward to helping you in 2023!

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