Horse Vitamins & Supplements News Canada

Learn the Benefits of Herbs for Horses + Receive 20% Off Herbal Supplements for November!

Curious about the benefits of herbs for horses? Then you’ve come to the right place for both knowledge – AND to learn about our herbal supplements being offered at 20% off for November!

Benefits of Herbs for Horses

Herbs not only taste good for human and horse alike; but they also offer a variety of benefits. These including, but are not limited to:

– Improved digestion
– Enhanced immune system support
– Calming properties
– Pain relief does an excellent job offering horse owners a guide to herbs, as found here. As well, our 20% off selection of herb supplements for horses – shown below – also provide a description of which product may be best suited for your horses needs.

20% Off Herbal Supplements for November: Finding the Right Fit

Basic Equine Nutrition delivers on a variety of herbs for horses, and as mentioned – we have 20% off these herbal supplements for November.

Take a read to see what each product can offer to help enhance your horse’s immunity, calm, digestion, inflammation – and more!

Often used as a natural calming supplement for horses. It naturally contains Magnesium phosphates, calcium phosphates, potassium phosphates and flavonoids. This natural supplement acts as a mild muscle relaxant, calmer and anti-inflammatory, and also has an anti-diarrheal quality. it can be used to help calm nervous horses but can also be used to calm the gut down; a gut that may have anxiety-related digestion troubles.

Considered to be an immune stimulant, antimicrobial, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral. It helps the body rid itself of microbial infections, whether they are bacterial or viral attacks. It is especially useful for upper respiratory tract infections in horses.

Specific to aid in digestive disorders in horses. Contains high levels of mucilage, which is a sticky, viscous sap that, when ingested, absorbs water and other liquids and forms a protective barrier over inflamed mucous membranes. Very beneficial in treating horses with ulcers, as the protective coating can relieve pain and discomfort and allow healing.

Can be used alongside devil’s claw and willow bark as a powerful anti-inflammatory. Meadowsweet is a great alternative to equine painkillers, such as phenylbutazone. It has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce pain, without long-term impacts on gut health.

Useful at reducing inflammation in the digestive tract. It is also helpful for chronic diarrhea or irritable bowel, as well as colic prevention. It’s excellent at soothing and healing ulcers, and maintaining overall gut health. This natural supplement contains mucilage, which is a sticky sap that provides a mucus membrane coating effect, so it can soothe gastric ulcers, and allow for healing. It is beneficial at creating regular bowel movements. Acting as a natural antacid, it can help balance the gut. It is commonly used with Chamomile to treat gastric ulcers in horses.

Basic Equine Nutrition is here to provide your horse with the supplements they need to fill in the gaps that are causing them (and you) concerns. We would be happy to answer any questions you may have -> HERE, and look forward to doing so!

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