Horse Vitamins & Supplements News Canada

The Benefits of Horse Probiotics and Digestive Enzymes for a Healthy Gut Flora

The research is still emerging, but so far the results have been positive regarding the benefits of horse probiotics and digestive enzymes for a healthy gut flora. Which is something Basic Equine Nutrition is happy to help our equine community with via our new product – ‘Probio Max’!

So …What Are the Benefits of Horse Probiotics?

Both horses and humans alike can benefit from probiotics, aiding in intestinal flora and creating a ripple effect including…

  • Improving digestion
  • Reducing digestive upset
  • Natural antibiotic properties

There is still much to be learned regarding the microbiome; but such research is quickly emerging. Along with it, so too is the amazing nature and importance of both probiotics and digestive enzymes for a healthy gut flora.

How Do You Know If Your Horse Needs Probiotics?

As simple as it may sound; when a horse alternates between hay feed and grass grazing, it can actually upset the delicate function of their gut flora. In addition, stress from travel, seasonal changes and activities, along with a variety of other factors, can attribute to a horse’s digestive flux.

So how do you know if your horse needs probiotics? Here are some reasons why you may want to consider a supplement such as Probio Max:

  • To give young foals a head-start with their digestive system
  • To assist in the recovery process from an infection
  • To counteract stress and the effects of it
  • To help process dietary changes
  • To manage diarrhea or minor colic
  • To assist older horses with more efficient digestion

Probio Max: Horse Probiotics and Digestive Enzymes

Horse Probiotics

As mentioned on our Probio Max supplement page

Probio Max is a probiotics and digestive enzyme for healthy gut flora. It contains 2 Billion CFU’s per scoop. Probiotic Duo is a mix of Bacillus coagulants, Bacillus subtilis and FOS. It is human grade, AAFCO approved, and most importantly – it is shelf stable.

Each individual probiotic bacteria within this supplement is well known to help maintain or restore the natural balance of intestinal microflora, and we are excited to now be delivering this to our equine community.

Whether investing in Probio Max to help as a sports nutrition supplement, or for your family farm horse – it is an excellent way to help maintain or regain healthy gut flora, while ensuring your horse is thriving in any environment!

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